Breaking News, Please Read This About Colonoscopy

Why is it so hard for some people to get their colonoscopy? I don”t know. I held my father’s hand when he took his last breath dying of colon cancer in Hospice, he was 68 years old. I vowed that I would never die that way.

Our Colon

From then on, I would get my colonoscopies every 5 years until my last one, when the doctor told me I don’t have to see him for another 10 years, I was clear. But even though the doctor said I was clear, I still won’t wait the 10 years, I will go back sooner.

Every time I went in to get my colonoscopy, I would tell my sister, she also needed one too. Five years past, and then another five years and then another. The last time I got mine done, I told her she is over 57 and she needs to get hers done too. Each and every time I heard the same thing. “I don’t have time,” or “I eat the right way, so I don’t need one,” or “I don’t believe in them,”

“You don’t believe in them? Your father died of colon cancer and you don’t believe in doing a colonoscopy? Do you believe in DEATH???” That was the last time I talked to her about getting hers done. Soon after that she began feeling ill. She thought she had food poisoning, so she went into the hospital to get treated. She was sent home with some nausea medication. But the pain didn’t go away even after a week. So, she went to another hospital. That’s where she got her diagnosis. Stage 4 colon cancer. It had spread from her colon, to her rectum, to her abdomen, to all over.

She fought as hard as she could, but after 8 long painful months, her life was over.

All because she wouldn’t get a colonoscopy. She died at age 58. My little sister never reached the of age 60.

So, in honor of her heavenly 60th birthday. I invite you to get YOUR colonoscopy. Don’t put it off for another minute. Even if it doesn’t run in your family. Please get your colonoscopy. It never ran in my family until my father had it. Be smart. Don’t die needlessly like my father and sister did, just because they didn’t believe in getting a colonoscopy. Your death from colon cancer not only affects you, it also affects the people around you, who love you and will miss you when you are gone, just because you won’t get tested.

It is estimated that 53,200 deaths (28,630 men and 24,570 women) will be attributed to colon cancer this year. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States for men and women combined.

If you are a man or a woman over the age of 50 and have never had a colonoscopy, pick up the phone now and make your appointment to go. If you don’t have a telephone, go to your family doctor and have them arrange it for you. There are no excuses for you to avoid getting a colonoscopy. I have had 4 and will always have more. If I can do it, so can you. Let’s not be the statistic for colon cancer. Let us be the ones who never get it, because we are smart and will get tested. Please spread the word for all to get tested for colon cancer with a colonoscopy. God bless you all.

After you get your test, make sure to purchase your cup. You deserve it!!

Click the picture for more information

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2 thoughts on “Breaking News, Please Read This About Colonoscopy

    1. Yes it really is. Unfortunately many people think it will never happen to them, so they won’t go. Everyone NEEDS to be tested by the age of 50. This is one cancer that no one ever has to die from.

      Liked by 1 person

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